Sr.No |
Product |
Testing Agency |
Applicable Standards |
Test Equipment Catagery |
1 |
PCC CUM D/O Panel |
Type tested as per IS -8623 (Part I) 1993 & IEC-60439,Part-1(2004) |
short –circuit with stand strength Test
65 kArms for 1 sec,for Short .CKT & 143 kA.Peak
3200 A Temp-Rise Test |
2 |
Control Panel |
 Automotive Reaserch Association of India |
Encloser type tested at ARAI.Pune (India) as per IS -13947 (Part I) 1993 & IEC-60947,Part-1(1988) |
Encloser /Panel Type tested for ingress of protection, (A)- IP-54 & (B) IP-55 |
3 |
Fix/Drawout – MCC/PCC,Double front,panel |
Type tested as per IS -8623 (Part I) 1993 & IEC-60439,Part-1(2004) |
short –circuit with stand strength Test
65 kArms for 1 sec,for Short .CKT & 143 kA.Peak
3200 A Temp-Rise Test |
4 |
As per Factory builts. Assembly upto – 3500 AMP .Temp rise limit tested as per IS:8623 Part-1,1993. |
Tested as per Factory builts. Assembly upto – 3500 AMP .Temp rise limit test |
5 |
A) As per IEC:62271 -100 (2001) & IEC 60694 (2002)
B) As per IEC: 62271-200 (2003)
C) As per IS:3427 (1997)/IEC 298 (1990) D) As Per IS 3427-& IEC-60297 |
Indoor 11 kV CB Panela. Short type withstand current and peak withstand current test 26.1 KA rms for 3 second as per IEC:62271 -100 (2001) & IEC 60694 (2002)b.1 OOO amp temperature rised test as per IEC: 62271-200 (2003)c. voltage withstand test insulation level -12kV / 28 kv rms /75kVP as per IS:3427 (1997)/IEC 298 (1990)d. Dry power frequency voltage withstand test 12kV .26.1 kA for 3 second 6> 28 kV rms for 1 minute as per IS 3427 -1997 / IEC 298 (1990)33 KV, 1250 A SF6/VCB Breaker Panel, Panel Type Tested At Electrical Reacherch and Development Association (ERDA) for- Short CirCuit ( 26.3 KA) for 3 Sec. as IS 3427-& IEC-60297 FOR Lightning Impulse Voltage Withstand Test- Dry Power Ferquency Voltage Withstand Test. |
6 |
MV. Panel |
Encloser type tested at ERDA.Pune (India) as per IEC -622717 (200) 2003 & IEC-60529,(2001) |
Encloser /Panel Type tested for ingress of protection, (A)- IP-4X & (B) IP-5X |